Over 25 years of online design experience has taught us many lessons!
Unlike most web site design companies, our online experience goes back to 1981 - over 25 years ago!
Before the Internet and the World Wide Web became popular, the local dial-up BBS (Bulletin Board System) was the
only way to go online.
These mostly free online systems were usually run by computer hobbyists on a computer from their own home.
Most of these System Operators (called "SysOps" for short) did it simply for the fun of it.
At the height of BBSing popularity in 1994, there were 100+ locally in all major US cities and over 100,000 worldwide. Most joined Fidonet, which is still ongoing.
Many of today's "online experts" never called a BBS.
We are proud of all the local, regional, national and international press we've received for online design work we have done since 1991. It has been exciting to participate in the online revolution from the very start at 300 baud (0.3k!).
After BBSing for 10 years, we took the next BIG step - opening up the World's First dial-up BBS with a satellite dish downlink (9600 baud). At that time, this was truly a technological breakthrough! Once the web was created, we jumped into that head first too. It's amazing to think we had been online for years before some other webmasters got out of diapers!
Some had not even been BORN yet! (To young webmasters: Sorry, but it's true.)
Once we have completed a new web site for a client, we feel it is a part of our job responsibility to try to get press attention for the new site.
We have succeeded in doing that with local, statewide, regional and even national press (radio, TV and newspapers) that brought in thousands of dollars from essentially free promotion.
Why should you pay for expensive off-line advertising if you can get good web press for free?
As a general rule, a positive news story will give you more credibility!
We were doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) before that acronym existed. (WebCrawler was a top search engine!) See some of our impressive Top 5 Rankings earned in major search engines.